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Home : Medicine : Informatics : Academic
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  • Australian College of Health Informatics
    An Australian health informatics professional body. Newly established it will attempt to represent the interests of a broad range of clinical and non-clinical professionals working within Health Informatics.
  • Biostatistical Resources
    Statistical resources and services for health care researchers. Statistical support provided to physicians and other health care professionals engaged in biomedical research.
  • Cognitive Science Branch (CgSB), NLM - National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health
    Conducts research and development in computer and information technologies. Research involves investigation of a variety of techniques, including linguistic, statistical, and knowledge-based methods, for improving access to biomedical information. Participation in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)project, NLM's Indexing Initiative and use of digital libraries. Collaborating with NLM's History of Medicine Division on Profiles in Science, a project to digitize collections of prominent biomedical scientists.
  • eHealth Institute
    The Institute seeks to undertake a variety of activities to enhance access to and quality of eHealth resources.
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Medical Informatics
    GVU Faculty - Explores ways through which to model, represent, visualize, and interpret the information associated with complex structures and dynamic processes. Extensive research and project details.
  • Health and Medical Informatics Digest
    Online resources of interest to multidisciplinary healthcare practitioners, researchers, academics, and informatics specialists.
  • Health Informatics Chat
    Online forum for discussion of nursing and health informatics geared toward health professionals, health informatics professionals and interested others.
  • Health Informatics Society of Australia Ltd
    HISA was established in 1992 by representatives of health informatics groups operating within Australia. Site has many features including links, downloads and publications. Also has details of the Health Informatics Conferences (HIC) held in Australia.
  • Healthcare Informatics Standards Board
    The American National Standards Institutes Healthcare Informatics Standards Board (ANSI HISB) provides an open, public forum for the voluntary coordination of healthcare informatics standards among all United States standard developing organizations.
  • Medical Records Institute (MRI)
    An international forum for sharing knowledge, experience, and solutions with healthcare practitioners,professionals in information system (IS) and health information management (HIM). Conducts the Toward an Electronic Patient Record (TEPR)annual conference on e-health and clinical IT issues. Publishes the Health IT Advisory Report.
  • Pathmaster project of the Yale Center for Medical Informatics
    PathMaster is a prototype cell-image database developed to serve as a pilot Next Generation Internet (NGI) testbed. PathMaster extracts mathematical features from cytology images and uses those features to index and retrieve cell images from an image database.
  • The Medical Algorithms Project
    Useful site for those interested in the algorithms behind computations, formulae, surveys, or look-up tables used in healthcare. More than 4600 algorithms, organized into 45 chapters, are available as downloadable spreadsheets. Algorithm documentation is available online.
  • University - Johns Hopkins, School of Medicine Division of Health Sciences Informatics
    Division seeks to advance the development and use of information technology for decision-making, research, health care delivery and individual academic growth, and to increase the awareness of these resources among the Johns Hopkins health sciences community. Current research areas in the Division include medical informatics, genome informatics, information management, consumer health informatics, computer-based documentation systems for point-of-care, informatics and evidence-based medicine, biomedical editing and communication, and electronic publishing.
  • University - Oregon Health Services, Medical Informatics
    This site describes the medical informatics program at Oregon Health Sciences University, featuring a variety of research and teaching activities, including an on-line graduate certificate program.
  • University - Vanderbilt UMC, Department of Biomedical Informatics (Home)
    Offers MS and PhD Graduate Degree Program in Biomedical Informatics as well as Postdoctoral Training and Fellowship Positions for Experienced Informaticists. It offers combined programs with the Medical School Medical Students (short-term training opportunities) and Undergraduate Training (short-term training opportunities). Site lists publications but no links. Detailed listings of current projects.
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